Sakara – A Vegan Meal Delivery Service I Trust

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If you want to go vegan, but have no idea where to start, a meal delivery system could be a great introductory option. The problem? There are so many meal delivery systems out there and so many of them are not too good for you. In fact, most send pre-frozen, processed food that is full of chemicals! This can be very counterintuitive as the whole point of switching to a plant-based diet is to improve your health. Switching from animal products to processed chemicals isn’t necessarily the direction I would advise. So which meal delivery service do I run to? Personally, I swear by Sakara Life.

What is Sakara Life?

Sakara Life is a meal delivery service founded by two friends from Sedona, Arizona, Whitney Tingle and Danielle DuBoise. Whitney and Daniel have now become friends and colleagues of mine, as we’re all in the health and wellness space. I can’t say enough great things about these beauties!  Getting to know them, their background, and their beliefs and values has made me just that much more confident in their company. Both Whitney and Danielle grew up in food-conscious households, and when they moved to New York as adults, they found it difficult to keep up their clean-eating lifestyle. Both of them started experiencing a lot of health and skin issues and it was taking a toll on their emotional and physical health.

This inspired them to do a complete restart and learn everything they could on gut health, so that they could prepare the best possible meals for themselves. Well, low and behold: they lost the extra weight, their skin cleared up, and they felt better than they had in years. Soon the word got out and before they knew it, they were cooking meals for models and actors in NYC! (Literally, they rode their bikes to drop off meals–that’s how you start a business!) From there, it’s all history, and now Sakara is available to the whole country, not just their original clientele in NYC.

Sakara Life is the healthy girl’s (and guy’s!) Godsend.  Their meals are delivered fresh everyday, and each delivered meal features plant-based, organic menus that showcase fresh, nutrient-rich, whole foods. If you’ve followed my content or taken my online course Hot & Healthy, you know that this is exactly what I preach. I really don’t like fad diets and I hate quick fixes. I focus on longevity, anti-aging, and eating nourishing foods that will keep you fit and healthy forever. Following this mindset has me feeling the best I ever have :)

Sakara life has several different meal programs. You can sign up for Sakara for Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner for a long period of time or a short period of time. Most opt for one of their packages, like their 20 Day Best Body Challenge. Read below for the specifics of how Sakara works, and why I believe in their meal program so much.

Why Sakara Life?

The ingredients.

All ingredients are fresh, organic, and of the highest quality. Sakara makes an effort to source its ingredients locally when possible and each meal features superfoods like blue spirulina and ginseng that take your nutrition to a deeper level.

The food.

Every meal is dairy-free, gluten-free, and handmade, and contains no refined sugar or GMOs. Oh, and did I mention everything is plant-based? Sakara is completely vegan friendly. Whether it’s reducing inflammation, replenishing good bacteria, or increasing energy, each meal has a function. Not only does every meal taste amazing (so much so that you have a hard time believing it’s healthy!), each are also pretty to look at. Sakara believes in “eating the rainbow” and getting every different kind of nutrient needed for a healthier lifestyle, and every meal visually reflects those nutrients. Sakara Life also offers a variety as their menu changes according to season.

umm... #drool

umm… #drool

The flexibility.

Sakara offers custom plans as well as their signature programs. While their signature programs are often for weeks at a time, custom plans can be made for days at a time. You can order one, two, or three meals a day, and can skip when needed. The custom plans are also easier on your pockets.

The lifestyle.

Sakara Life is not a diet program or a quick fix. Instead, it’s a holistic lifestyle program. Sakara believes that what you eat can affect who you are. Wholesome food makes you glow inside and out as well as live longer, look better, and be overall healthier. Sakara encourages both exercise and meditation when following the program, and truly changes your mindset about food and life.

Can this be my life everyday?

Can this be my life everyday?

The waters.

Many of you may have seen Sakara’s Beauty Water on my Instagram, but have you actually had any? It’s a miracle. The Beauty Water contains organic rose water and silica, and it not only revs up your metabolism, it also nourishes your skin, giving you a healthy, sexy glow. Sakara Life also includes its Detox Water. The Detox Water is cleansing and healing, full of chlorophyll and magnesium. Each water is detoxifying, and crafted for cellular hydration and pH balance.

Make me pretty! 

Make me pretty!

What does a typical menu look like?

  • Like I mentioned earlier, each meal serves a purpose, and so each day you’re hitting all the pillars of nutrition. A typical day, which consists of breakfast, lunch, and dinner, can include such meals as granola, kale salad, and quinoa risotto. Also, each meal has a cute name that describes what you’re eating, like, The Sexiest Salad in NYC or Beet Rawvioli :)

Here is an example of a day with Sakara:

Breakfast: Matcha Latte Oatmeal: oatmeal infused with a honey-almond matcha latte.

Lunch: Balancing Macro Plate: seasonal vegetables, seaweed, and brown rice with a creamy avocado tahini dipping sauce.

Dinner: Cooling Cashew Vermicelli: kelp noodles, cucumber, and veggies with a pink spicy cashew dressing.

Is your mouth watering yet? If you want to try out Sakara, I have a special code that will give you 15% off your entire first meal delivery program! Just go to and use code: REF_PLANTBASED15 at checkout :)  

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Written by

Mona Vand

Doctor of Pharmacy. Beauty, Health, & Wellness Q’s

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