How to Eliminate Stress

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If you caught any of my Instagram stories or if you watched my Youtube video last week, you saw me talking about the fact that it was national stress awareness day. This is a topic that’s super important to me (and to most people!) so I wanted to also dedicate this week’s blog post to stress and give you some tips on how to reduce stress & anxiety- hopefully these help :)

Valerian Root Tea: Since stress is something most of us deal with on a daily basis, I highly recommend finding a couple things that will consistently work for you. Something that always works for me is sipping on hot valerian root tea. I go into more detail about why I specifically choose valerian root tea on my blog but I use this one – it always helps to relax me and calm my nerves :)

Practice Yoga (alone!): One thing that really works if you’re trying to lower your cortisol levels is practicing yoga- but not hot yoga and not group yoga! I personally think that hot yoga and group yoga takes away from the purpose of yoga… I’ve found that taking about 10 minutes a day to yourself and really focusing on your breath and movement make a huge difference in your mood and overall stress level. I talk more about this in my latest video but if you want to know the exact app I use to guide me, it’s called Yogaia and can be found here – you get the first month free if you use that link and I promise, it’s definitely worth a try!

Jade Roll: When I’m stressed, I’ve found that sitting down on my couch and practicing some self-care is one of the best things I can do. Jade rolling quickly became one of my favorite forms of self care since it’s soothing, easy, and super beneficial. Jade rolling is known to reduce inflammation and puffiness of the skin, reduce the appearance of under eye circles (especially if your jade roller is cold), stimulate the lymphatic system and blood circulation, brighten your complexion, and reduce the appearance of pores. If you’re looking to start jade rolling, I highly recommend getting this one and storing it in your fridge for an extra soothing feeling :)

To Health and Beauty xx


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Written by

Mona Vand

Doctor of Pharmacy. Beauty, Health, & Wellness Q’s

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